Friday, October 29, 2010

Things gay about facebook

You might be thinking 2 posts in one day! You really must be bored well yeah... So I'm just going to rant and talk about funny things.

1. When white people say Gui Lao... to Asians it 's like hearing a F.O.B. speak English.

2. WTF is up with people who fill ur whole face book page with .... likes .... . I mean once or twice meh, but not everyday. day after day it just keeps happening. I want a FUK OFF button. .... likes ... yeah well FUK OFF.

3. ...

4. Hmm i can't think of anything

5. Oh yeah (sorry another facebook thing) Romantic lines they shove on facebook. " When you cant think stop thinking of someone, but u know they don't think about you." Well you know what im thinking... -reaches for the FUK OFF button, presses it once then another then franticlly does it until the mouse is a puddle of plastic and parts-

6. I also hate when you destroy the mouse and your finger has acid all over it. If you'll excuse me...

Me: 000, i need help my finger is melting T-T!!!!

Lady: Again, -.- i swear this is the last time Allan