1. Possums are humans natural enemy and thats why we have to capture them.
Yeah this is like a number 1 rule my dad makes me learn, So much so im getting a BB gun to hunt possums. I know your all thinking BS. But its true my dad has already captured 11 and killed like 5.
Not so cute are they now? They'll wait to midnight to eat your soul
2. You have no fucking talent deal with it.
Yeah most parents encourage their children to believe they can become famous by trying and believing well my dad puts up his middle finger to that. When i used to play soccer he told me straight away that this was for my enjoyment than actual training to become a soccer player because I had no talent. He told like it was when i was 8.
3. Believing in shit like Santa and Tooth Fairy is lying and Lying = Bad
yeah my childhood was raped the day my mum told me the tooth fairy was fake and santa isnt real, the easter bunny is total bullshit and everything else kids believe in when your 7. This was a good thing because ruining other peoples child hood had never any more fun. :D
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