Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Revival Begins

It's April the 6th 2016, I wake up expecting nothing out of today, just another day in my monotonous life.

Yet at 3:11 pm something shakes in my pocket as I contemplate the complexities of life whilst staring outside towards a gloomy day like one academical genius does. I reach for my pocket and read a message from a dear friend:

Kim Long:

"i found this really nice blog"
"ive been reading like on train rides and stuff"
" the blogger is really interesting"

I smile at the idea, I smile at the word blogger. I think back to the days I used to blog and the arguments I used to get into about how Blogger was going to be better than Tumblr.

Kim Long:

My smile fades... I think to myself screw you Kim Long  thats why you and that Ear Girl... , yet as time waned I began to realize what a contribution KL had just done to this world as he has gifted the world back their daily does of uninformative info. As the famous rapper Azza S Shot Rapper no.1 desu once said:

My palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy 
There's vomit on my sweater already, mom's chinese stir fried broccoli 
i'm nervous, but on the surface I looks calm and ready 
To drop blog posts, but I keep on forgettin
What to write down, my family is too loud 
I open my laptop now, but i can't remember what to type out
I'm chokin, My laptop runs out of battery, times up over now
get back to my phone you see, type up an essay all about me 
post that shit on the internet, get a thousand hits like that. 
that last sentence don't rhyme and had no flow, but who cares ur on my shitty blog your standards have already dropped too low.


Your savior you should thank ^

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why my parents are so much more different

When we were born most of us fell into the arms of a loving parents who would love and nurture us till they died. They would teach us how to talk and how to eat, They would also teach us rules that we must follow whether it was a tradition or something they made up. Now most of you would think, yeah okay don't steal, don't lie that type of things. Well my parents pushed these rule top my head more:

1. Possums are humans natural enemy and thats why we have to capture them.

Yeah this is like a number 1 rule my dad makes me learn, So much so im getting a BB gun to hunt possums. I know your all thinking BS. But its true my dad has already captured 11 and killed like 5.

Not so cute are they now? They'll wait to midnight to eat your soul

2. You have no fucking talent deal with it.

Yeah most parents encourage their children to believe they can become famous by trying and believing well my dad puts up his middle finger to that. When i used to play soccer he told me straight away that this was for my enjoyment than actual training to become a soccer player because I had no talent. He told like it was when i was 8.

3. Believing in shit like Santa and Tooth Fairy is lying and Lying = Bad

yeah my childhood was raped the day my mum told me the tooth fairy was fake and santa isnt real, the easter bunny is total bullshit and everything else kids believe in when your 7. This was a good thing because ruining other peoples child hood had never any more fun. :D

Friday, November 12, 2010

Bogans will take over the world

Hello readers. Today i have a choice of doing my Chinese HW or procrastinate. I think you know the answer...

So let me ask you this what is a my worst nightmare... Yeah okay never losing my virginity but the ohter one... Yes thats right Bogans taking over the world.

I mean i know what ur asking if they cant even spell their own language how could they take over the world simple...

Sup bitches I'm so rebel >.<>

1. The disease will spread and not even a cure will stop this onslaught of madness. Every adult and child, every man and women, Every animal and human being shall be taken by this very disease. Blood shall be split on. The wall between god and humans shall be cracked Zombies will become BOGAN zombies and life as we now it shall end. First the young and the old will become one of them. Signs are: Wog accent, nonstop facebooking, saying " I didn't do it sir". parents put their infected in a room and light it on fire.

Survivors with guns are only delaying the inevitable. When infected your brain shall disappear. Luckily if an Asian you have a higher chance of living longer as our brains are so powerful it will take many bites from a bogan to change us. Still this will not be enough to stop them.

2. The bogans learn magic and need brain power to live. Slowly they suck the power of smart people so they may live. When the person is out of brain power they become one of them and take part in the rituals.

The only way to kill them is to destroy their hairstyle then burn them. To give all the brain power back we must kill the head Bogan known as... Tyler Mcdouche

3. A teleproting machine is created and a Bogan walks in with another man. Soon the bogan is in the mind of a scientist and has the same intelligence while the scientist is dumb bogan. The Bogan creates a bogan ray and recruits bogans in his threshold and kill us all.

So thats only a few of my theory. If this is popular i will create part 2, but i highly doubt it

U picked Oddjob... U asshole

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hi i know that the nobody will read this post cause of the following

1. Davids gone therefore making this a useless blog because all my friends don't read...

huh i think that it. Anyway I just wanted to type this post because I'm depressed.
Don't worry I'm not going to type some gay Facebook poem and such I'm going to talk about other stuff.

Hmm lets see.... Bogans, no ... dog licking shit faces, wait thats bogans... Ass licking donkey dick sucking assholes, wait thats bogans again...

Well this is a light post and i just wanted to say thanks David for getting me into blogging, but will probably now stop blogging cause nobody reads this...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Resignation

My dear followers. I am writing this letter of resignation on my behalf...

Oh who am I kidding, the only ones who actually read these posts are Ian and Allan (so please note that all the offensive comment are not directed at you). This blog fails. I don't know where I went wrong, probably because it was too random, but screw you guys. Seriously, if any of you decide to spontaneously visit this dead blog and happen to read this, screw you guys. -flips you off- ,,||,,(-_-),,||,,

As a side note, I'm now employed as the designer of this blog. 

Also, if you read this Allan, you can have this Blog, I'll make you an admin if you want.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Because I haven't posted anything for a while, I thought I'd do a short entry about... well, you'll see. Also, click here and here for blogs more interesting than mine. Also, I am fully aware that my blog entries are boring to read, but blogging is addictive, so I don't really care whether you read it or not.

Another rant about life in Australia...

"Australia. A wonderful country filled with blue skies and a bustling community. Everywhere you go, you'll hear friendly words like 'Moite' or 'G'daay' spoken by the sociable citizens of Australia. As a multicultural society, you would expect people of many races to dwell in the homes of this country. Whoever you might be, you can always find a friend in this community."

That's what you'd probably hear from some optimistic Australian who has lived in this country for a long time. As someone who was born here and have lived here for over 14 years, you would expect me to be loving this country. I don't really have anything against this country, however I do not believe that this country is as wonderful as many other citizens would say.

First of all, I am an otaku (or try to be). Even though this is a multicultural society, I have not not even one store that sells the Anime products originated in Japan. I can't be fully qualified as an otaku without anime products, but it's not because I do not want to buy them, it's because it's simply not possible. FML + 1

Another thing is the prices of guitars. I know I'm only a novice guitarist, but for fucks sake, the price of guitars here are twice as expensive as America, even though the currency exchange rates are so close. [Guitarist talk, don't bother reading] I spend the same amount of money here for an Epiphone Special II as I did in China for an Epiphone Les Paul [/Guitarist talk, don't bother reading] I saved a good $800 dollars for a guitar worth over $1000 here. FML + 1

[Racism] Lastly, why are the asians here in Australia into things like c-walking and Korean Music? The Korean music, I can understand, but c-walking is black. Asians are becoming black?!? What's becoming of our world? FML + 1000 [/Racism]

I apologize for my offensive blog post but this is the simple reality that is my life. Hopefully my nightmare of the world becoming so multicultural that everyone looks the same stays as a nightmare and nothing more (seriously, I swear it will happen) This is a blog entry I wrote in class, and therefore may be of slightly worse quality. For now, that's all. I think the bell's about to go soon. Bye.

Monday, November 1, 2010


It's unfair 2012 gets all the spot light. Since that crappy movie everyone has been thinking about the end of the world in that year. Still ever wondered about 2011. You've let it eat it's own dirt and sleep in the rain. You people never thought of including that year as a dooms day did you?

On 2011 Friday May 21st or on October 21st there shall be a flood like in Noah's arc. See what does 2012 has the Mayans but they haven't said much other than thats the year their calender ends BUT 2011 is a different story.

You see in Noah's arc they are given 7 days to gather animals and save himself from the cruel world, but you see the Bible is a spiritual book and it meant that Human kind has 7000 years to prepare before a flood. It was in the year 4990 BC that God revealed to Noah that there would be yet 7 days until the flood of waters would be upon the earth. Now, if we substitute 1000 years for each one of those 7 days, we get 7000 years. And when we project 7000 years into the future from 4990 BC, we find that it falls on the year 2011 AD.

4990 + 2011 = 7001

Note: When counting from an Old Testament date to a New Testament date, always subtract one year because there is no year zero, resulting in:

4990 + 2011 – 1 = 7000 years exactly.

So as you can see 2012 has a couple of Mayans(which if they really were smart they could beat a couple of Spanish A-holes. i'm just saying).. 2011 on the other hand has the Bible, the frigging Bible we're talking about still there are plenty of reasons why this all could be fake AGAIN -.-

1. This is all an assumption there is no evidence provided by a prophet.

2. Who said god is real their is a lot of agnostic ( i am one) and atheists.

What i'm really trying to say is 2012 is gay and homo 2011 should be made into a movie.(Evan almighty doesn't count cause it sucks balls)

So what do you think?